Why Make Art?

I was visiting our local craft studio last week. I have a gift certificate from my former employer (you can buy their awesome socks here.)  I have been wanting to turn my prints into jewelry and I wasn’t sure which jewelry making class to take, so I talked to the teacher in charge of theContinue reading “Why Make Art?”

Kahn Academy is Distance Learning

There is a trend emerging in our local elementary and high schools to use Kahn Academy and other online learning resources to supplement or replace classroom instruction in math. I understand the attraction. At the small schools in the region where I live you tend to see a wide range of abilities in students. ThereContinue reading “Kahn Academy is Distance Learning”

Art, Education and Math–What’s the Connection?

Stickyness. In addition to being an artist I am a math teacher. I often struggle with deciding whether I am more of an artist or more of a math teacher, but at the moment I am surrendering the struggle to explore areas where the two overlap. I was working with a tutoring student last yearContinue reading “Art, Education and Math–What’s the Connection?”