Summer Solstice: Creativity, Integrity, and Gratitude

  Happy Summer! I’m so pleased with how my apple blossom block print turned out–and excited to report that my next print is well on its way. Since the Solstice marks the midway point through the year, it’s a great time to re-visit the goals I set for myself last winter. In this I getContinue reading “Summer Solstice: Creativity, Integrity, and Gratitude”

Gathering STEAM for Geometry

I get to teach my kids Geometry this summer, and yesterday we did circumcenter, incenter, centroid, and orthocenter constructions. I’ve never done those before, and I was captivated by the beauty of the constructions. I decided to turn a few into watercolors. It was a lot of fun. Here’s another: In this one I alsoContinue reading “Gathering STEAM for Geometry”

Treat Your Art Like It’s a Business

I have recently been inspired by Rachael Cook at the Yogipreneur website. She runs a business helping yoga teachers turn their love of yoga into a sustainable business. I am not particularly business minded, so I signed up for her 21 day “Fired Up and Focused” challenge. Rachael sends you an email a day withContinue reading “Treat Your Art Like It’s a Business”